Our Consulting Team
Leading change to new realities and potentials
Due to an increasingly globalized environment and higher market expectations, companies are repeatedly subject to high development and change pressure, whereby the project management often is not part of the company’s actual purpose. This makes it all the more important to use funds and resources efficiently and effectively through specialized external experts.
Our consulting methodology focuses on your needs and issues. With our vast experience we will guide you through your individual problem-solving process and ensure that viable and sustainable solutions are being developed.
Our experts will support you in the following key consulting areas:
- Business Consulting: Prof. em. Dr. René Rüttimann – Head of Consulting
- Textile Value Chain: Barbara Binkert – Senior Consultant
- Construction Consulting: Roy Rüttimann – Senior Consultant
Problem solving and implementation competence
Change can bring many risks, but the right strategy and its implementation will lead you to new opportunities and growth. Due to our broad expertise in change management, we can help you find the right strategy for your business by empowering all employees involved.
Prof. em. Dr. René Rüttimann – Head of Consulting
Focus Area: Business Consulting
Prof. Dr. Ruettimann teaches as emeritus professor and carries out research at several universities around the globe in the following three main areas:
- Strategic Management
The main focus is on enhancing company performance by improving the value chain through a direct and consequent focus on the existing and future market potential.
- Innovation-Management
The power of market-need-driven new products, services and improved processes (process innovation). Both Entrepreneurship, the development of new ideas which start-up companies can bring to market, and Intrapreneurship, the importance of developing new products and services with which established SME can strengthen their market position, are central to his research.
- Emerging Markets
Countries with fast developing economies offer great potential for medium-sized enterprises. They offer great opportunity for the expansion of small and medium-sized international enterprises (SMIE). The main area of research interest lies in the Asia Pacific region and especially in China and India.
- Contact: office@synergo.swiss

Prof. em., Dr. René Rüttimann
Barbara Binkert – Senior Consultant
Focus Area: Textile Value Chain
Barbara Binkert has many years of experience in the development of women’s apparel in high-volume ventures and will guide you through the process of developing creative ideas, technical specifications and certifications as well as outstanding point-of-sale presentations:
- International Purchasing and Sales of apparel and textiles
- Supply Chain Management
Management of complex production and procurement processes in the areas of Merchandise Management, Logistics and Supply Chain
- Quality Management
Development of quality standards – Quality Assurance
- Marketing and Category Management
- Project and Innovation Management
- Contact: office@synergo.swiss

Barbara Binkert
Roy Rüttimann – Senior Consultant
Focus Area: Construction Consulting
Roy Rüttimann has broad experience as a project manager in housing, new office buildings as well as in multifunctional building projects with perennial construction periods:
- Construction Consultancy
Many years of experience in new construction and renovations as well as high technical expertise in the field of shell building construction.
- Building Owner Support
Situational construction support as well as owner representation for Project Development, Cost Management, Construction Control and Maintenance Management.
- Building Renovations
High competencies in the areas of shell building construction, facades, roofs, plant piping systems and gardening projects.
- Expertise
Solutions for difficult issues that require interaction between multiple professional disciplines. Consolidation of solution guidelines.
- Contact: office@synergo.swiss

Roy Rüttimann